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Curriculum Resources For Parents

Useful Curriculum Links and guides for parents
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

An important part of the Year 4 Mathematics curriculum is for children to learn their times tables up to 12x12, and to be able to recall these rapidly from memory.

In Year 4, children are required to take a statutory assessment of the multiplication tables and this takes place during June. There is a copy of Information for Parents leaflet produced by the Government below which provides a really useful guide. Click on the image below to access the guide.

Letter to parents 2024

Multiplication tables check - Information to parents

TT Rockstars

Children's mathematical understanding is underpinned by a thorough understanding and quick  recall of multiplication tables. In school we use TT Rockstars to support, enthuse and challenge  your children in securing this foundational knowledge. Here is a useful link for parents and a further link to access the TT Rockstars for children to practise at home. 

TT Rockstars Parents' Page 


Curriculum Overviews