Newsletter - 1st March 2024

I am sure you will have noticed our lovely new attendance boards; we are very proud that our children love coming to school and that is why our attendance is so good!!!
Dear Parents/ Carers,
Well it has been a really busy couple of weeks! I am sure you will have noticed our lovely new attendance boards; we are very proud that our children love coming to school and that is why our attendance is so good!!! Thank you for your continued support for sending your children into school regularly -it makes such a difference to their learning and allows them to access all the exciting opportunities we give your children at Barford. It was lovely to see so many of you at parents evening this week! Thank you for embracing the new online booking system- we really hope you found it easier and a more efficient way of making your appointments. I will be sending a letter out next week to ask you about the experience and if there is anything else we can do to help improve the new system in time for our final parents evening of the academic year ! Please send in your views as we do value your opinion. A quick plea for anyone who has some spare time who may be able to help us with fundraising at our school. Our Friends of Barford group meet and have tea and biscuits and have been involved organising movie nights, discos and summer and Christmas fairs. If you think you would like to be involved - please contact Mrs Janagal our Pastoral Lead via the school office- 0121 464 3765. Have a super, safe and peaceful weekend and see you all next week!