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Year 3 Inspire

Welcome to Year 3's Inspire page. On this page you find all the ICT resources that are used during the Inspire sessions.

Maths Inspire - 3rd February 2017

The maths inspire session focused on learning the times tables up to 12x12 and doing the maths games on the activelearn website.

Every child at Barford has an account for Active Learn Primary. Each child has been allocated maths games to play. Please see your child's class teacher for more information. Login information is provided below:-

username: 12
password: barford
School Code: pwxa

Once you have logged in, click on the "My Stuff" button at the top of the screen to view the allocated maths games.

There are lots of times table games on the DB Primary School website. Just click the above image and login using your username and password and choose "Multiplication & Division" from the list.

These free online multiplication games will provide lots of times table practice.

Hit the Button is an interactive maths game with quick fire questions on number bonds, times tables, doubling and halving, multiples, division facts and square numbers. The games which are against the clock challenge and develop a child's mental maths skills. 

Designed for 6 to 11 years olds, the activities can be matched to appropriate mathematical ability. Regular use of Hit the Button can help children to sharpen their recall of vital number facts in a fun way and learning multiplication tables need not be boring.

Lots of games to support the teaching of multiplication and division.

Learning multiplication facts can be a pain, but not when you have access to lots of cool times tables games which will enable you to practise while having fun. It's important to get your knowledge of times tables really secure, with instant recall of the facts up to at least 10 x 10. This is because future maths skills build on this knowledge, and without it you will struggle later on. It's a good idea to keep practising from time to time too, because if you don't use it you might lose it!

This jigsaw is a great way to reinforce children's understanding of the sequences contained within the multiplication square, while it also provides a motivating context in which to practise their tables.

Lots of times table games.

You are given the answer to a times table fact and need to click on the correct location on the grid.

Learning the Times Tables need not a tedious chore! Learning them can be fun if you build up your knowledge gradually through using these fun multiplication and division games. It is a good idea to begin with the 2x, 5x and 10 times tables and secure these times table facts before moving on to the others.

Literacy Inspire - 6th October 2016

The main focus in the ICT Inspire session were VCOP English games.

More vocabulary games focusing on verbs.

A non-fiction game where you need to select an appropriate title, text and picture to suit three non-fiction types of writing: a children's book, a news item and a catalogue entry.

A literacy game where you need to join the two sentences with a conjunction to make one sentence. Make sure you choose the right conjunction.

Lots of English games covering all areas such as verbs, nouns, adjectives games.

How to play

1. Choose the age level e.g. 5-7 or 7-11

2. Choose a category e.g. Spelling and Grammar, Punctuation etc..

3. Explore the games.

Maths Inspire - 4th February 2016

The maths inspire session focused on playing maths games to reinforce the maths skills learned in the classroom. The children played various maths games on the activlearn website.

Every child at Barford has an account for Active Learn Primary. Each child has been allocated maths games to play. Please see your child's class teacher for more information. Login information is provided below:-

username: (all pupils know their username)
password: barford
School Code: pwxa

Once you have logged in, click on the "My Stuff" button at the top of the screen to view the allocated maths games.

English Inspire - 8th October 2015

The ICT section of the English Inspire involved playing the English games below.

Lots of English games covering all areas such as verbs, nouns, adjectives games.

How to play

1. Choose the age level e.g. 5-7 or 7-11

2. Choose a category e.g. Spelling and Grammar, Punctuation etc..

3. Explore the games.

Maths Inspire - 27th January 2015

The maths inspire session focused on multiplication and division games to reinforce times tables. The games used in the inspire session are listed below.

Learn the times tables by watching the above videos.

Lots of times table games to play.

Don't forget our very own learning library on DB Primary. How to login to the Learning Library.

1. Login using your username and password.

2. Click on activities.

3. Click on maths to view all the maths activities.

NOTE: If you can't remember your username and password please see your class teacher.

English Inspire - 16th October 2014

Enjoy learning by playing these fun, interactive VCOP English games.

More vocabulary games focusing on verbs.

A non-fiction game where you need to select an appropriate title, text and picture to suit three non-fiction types of writing: a children's book, a news item and a catalogue entry.

A literacy game where you need to join the two sentences with a conjunction to make one sentence. Make sure you choose the right conjunction.

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