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Year 2 Inspire

Welcome to Year 2's Inspire page. On this page you find all the ICT resources that are used during the Inspire sessions.

Maths Inspire - 1st February 2017

The ICT Inspire session focused on playing fractions games on the activelearn website. The plenary and the games used in the inspire session are available below.

To play the fraction games you will need your activelearn login details.

1. Enter your child’s User Name (all lower case): 13 first name and intial of surname

2. The password is barford

3. Enter the school code: pwxa

Canopy Chaos 2.25a - Find 1/2 and 1/4 of multiples of 2 and 4 up to 20. Find 1/4 of numbers to 20 by halving and halving again.

Canopy Chaos 2.25b - Find 1/2 and 1/4 of multiples of 2 and 4 up to 20. Find 1/4 of numbers to 40 by halving and halving again.

Canopy Chaos 2.25c - Find 1/2 and 1/4 of multiples of 2 and 4 up to 20. Quickly find 1/4 of numbers to 40.

Literacy Inspire - 28th September 2016

The ICT Inspire session focused on using the activlearnprimary website to read the e-books.

Lots of eBooks to read. Every child at Barford has eBooks allocated to them by their class teacher.

To access these fantastic e-Books follow these steps:

1. Enter your child’s User Name (all lower case) as follows Reception: 14 first name and intial of surname= 14deanp Yr1: 13 Yr2: 12 Yr3: 11 Yr4: 10 Yr5: 09 Yr6: 08

2. The password is barford

3. Enter the school code: pwxa

4. Click on login

5. Click on My stuff and then click on the bug icon to read the allocated books.

Fun activities to help children at KS1 learn more about Literacy.

Lots of letters and sounds games to help children read.

Maths Inspire - 3rd February 2016

The ICT Inspire session focused on playing maths games that reinforce the maths skills learned in the classroom.

See if you can help the frog reach the large rock on the other side of the pond.

Help Molly get out of the pyramid by choosing the right number or symbol missing from the sum.

Sort the mail into the correct post boxes by working out simple addition, subtraction and division calculations as well as multiples. A resource which is great for use on interactive whiteboards too.

Click on a number to complete the number sentence below before time runs out.

Hit the Button is an interactive maths game with quick fire questions on number bonds, times tables, doubling and halving, multiples, division facts and square numbers. The games which are against the clock challenge and develop a child's mental maths skills. 

Designed for 6 to 11 years olds, the activities can be matched to appropriate mathematical ability. Regular use of Hit the Button can help children to sharpen their recall of vital number facts in a fun way and learning multiplication tables need not be boring. 

This game is to complete the jigsaw as quickly as you can! To help you, each piece has a number, which should be placed over the hint on the board. Good luck!

Help Molly by choosing the right coins to pay Pablo in the igloo shop.

Symmetry Sorting is a tablet friendly maths game for 6 to 8 year olds which involves sorting pictures, shapes and letters into symmetrical and non-symmetrical sets. The games are not timed providing lots of opportunity for children to practise. Questions are randomly generated on the conveyor each time the game is loaded. 

The pictures have vertical lines of symmetry while the shapes and letters include both vertical and horizontal lines of symmetry.

Symmetry Matching is a tablet friendly maths game for 4 to 8 year olds which involves mirroring an image along a line of symmetry. Options include pictures, shapes and randomly generated patterns which are the most difficult. 

The pictures and patterns have vertical lines of symmetry while the shapes include both vertical and horizontal lines of symmetry.

Feed the mouse by reading the analogue clocks. If you get it wrong the cat will be after you! 

Use the ruler to measure the length of the line in centimetres. Type your answer in the box and then press the enter key to see if you are correct!

Sort the shapes into the correct boxes!

Count the tens.

Count the units.

Then click on the correct bubble.

If you are right you will see a dolphin.

If you are wrong a shark will bite your boat.

First click on the game you'd like to play.

Missing Signs
Click on the right sign to complete the calculation.

More or Less
Click on the tick button if the sentence is true.
Click on the cross button if the sentence is false.

Odd or Even
Is the number odd or even? Click on the right button.

Win the Money
Add up the money and then click on the right answer.

Round it to nearest 10p
First, add up the money and click on the right answer. Then, click on the right 'money stack' to round the money to the nearest 10p.

At the end of the game, print out your results and/or play again.

Caterpillar Ordering is an interactive ordering and sequencing numbers game, which would complement a minibeasts topic in the classroom. 

Suitable for 5 to 11 year olds, this maths game has different levels which can be matched to a child's mathematical ability level. 

The drag and drop activities help children to order numbers, beginning at a basic level and progressing to more challenging exercises ordering decimal and negative numbers. The sequencing activities help children to recognise number sequences and reinforce their knowledge of multiples.

See if you can count back in 10's in this Spooky Sequence game.

Double the number on the board and click on the correct part of the target. 

NOTE: The sound on this game is very loud!

Help Max in the forest by choosing the numbers in the right order.

Spring Maths - 5-9 year olds - Topmarks

Counting, ordering, sequencing, number bonds, addition, subtraction, multiplication and more, all set around the theme of Spring.

Place the penguins on the correct number on the chart.

Help Pablo finish his invention by handing him the right shape.

English Inspire - 29th September 2015

The ICT Inspire session focused on using the following games to help develop English skills at home.

Fun activities to help children at KS1 learn more about Literacy.

Stop the machine! There are misspelled words. Click on the red handle to help me fix them.

Word search game to find spelling patterns.

Words will appear on the sails. You will need to guess the word by typing in the correct letter and then click on the enter button. If you guess wrong too many times then the pirate will fall off the plank.

Click on the main session button to begin. Pupils are asked to make words using the Wordmaker machine. If the answer is correct the word is spoken and a picture appears.

A literacy game where you need to sort words into either proper nouns, common nouns, adjectives or comparative adjectives so that you can escape from the Forbidden Chamber!

Great game if you don't know what nouns are. You will need to be a good reader as there are no sounds on this game.

Don't know what verbs are? Then play this game!

A literacy game where you need to join the two sentences with a conjunction to make one sentence. Make sure you choose the right conjunction.

A game where you need to choose prefixes and suffixes to make a new word.

Choose a phoneme. A word containing a gap will appear in the sand. Listen to Colin the Clam say the complete word then click on the sandpie with the right spelling for the missing phoneme. Each word you get right will add a sandpie to the sandcastle you are building. 

At the end of the game, you can print out a sheet which shows the sandcastle with all the words you spelt correctly.

20 Key Stage 2 Literacy interactive teaching resources for Primary/Elementary Schools.

English educational kids games and activities for your IWB, PC or Mac. Teach your child, spelling, sentences, verbs, collective nouns, compound words, singular to plural, story sequencing, alphabetical order and grammar with these English learning games.

Lots of eBooks to read. Every child at Barford has eBooks allocated to them by their class teacher.

To access these fantastic e-Books follow these steps:

1. Enter your child’s User Name (all lower case) as follows Reception: 14 first name and intial of surname= 14deanp Yr1: 13 Yr2: 12 Yr3: 11 Yr4: 10 Yr5: 09 Yr6: 08

2. The password is barford

3. Enter the school code: pwxa

4. Click on login

5. Click on My stuff to read the allocated books.

Maths Inspire - 21st January 2015

The ICT Inspire session focused on using the ActiveLearn website. Each child has been allocated maths games based on their maths levels.

Login details for the ActiveLearn website:-

Username: Enter your child’s User Name (all lower case) as follows
Reception: 13 first name and intial of surname= 13deanp
Yr1: 12 Yr2: 11 Yr3: 10 Yr4: 09 Yr5: 08 Yr6: 07
Password: barford
School code: pwxa

Once you have logged in, click on "my stuff" to play the allocated games as shown in the screenshot below.

Literacy Inspire - 8th October 2014

The games below will support the Year 2 children's Literacy skills.

Fun activities to help children at KS1 learn more about Literacy.

Improve your vocabulary by playing the games.

Lots of english games covering spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Lots of fun english games to play and videos to watch.

Phonics Play is a great Phonics website with excellent phonics games. Year 1 will be looking at Phase 2 - Phase 3 games.

NOTE: Some games that have a yellow star on them require a subscription and are NOT free.

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