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Reception Inspire

Welcome to Reception's Inspire page. On this page you find all the ICT resources that are used during the Inspire sessions.

Maths Inspire - 15th February 2017

Have a look at the fantastic websites that were used during ICT Maths Inspire session. We hope these websites will assist you in helping your child with their learning. The maths early learning goals have been added below, so that Parents/Carers can see the maths learning expectations in Reception.

Feed the teddy bear cakes. Numbers up to 15 and words up to 15.

Counting different objects.

Put the caterpillar numbers in the correct order. Numbers up to 100. 

Greater number game. Click on the greater number.

Sequence game. Complete the sequence.

Number line, count on to find the sum.

The aim of the game is to complete the length of the pipe. This will fill the lake and set the whale free.

The aim of this game is to practise quick recall of number facts, up to 9+9. Press 'next' for a new calculation. Count on from the biggest number. Click on the correct sarcophagus.

Click on the clock that shows the correct time. If the answer is correct the mouse will eat the cheese.

This is a more or less game. Click on the toilet to start the game.

This is a double game. Help Robin to find the correct double.

Minus Mission provides practice with subtraction in a creeping slime theme. Large green slime at the top of the screen drips blobs with subtraction problems toward a robot at the bottom.

Counting in 2's. Choose the number that is missing.

Choose two fuzzy chaps who add up to 10.

Counting in 10's. Choose the number that is missing.

Click on the hand with 10p.

When the water has been poured, click on the container that has the most in it.

Listen to the number and post the letter into the correct door.

Literacy Inspire - 19th October 2016

The ICT section of the Literacy Inspire involved reading the ebooks on the activelearnprimary website. Parents should read the books with the child to help blend the words.

Lots of eBooks to read. Every child at Barford has eBooks allocated to them by their class teacher.

Each reception pupil will be given a login to this website during the start of the Autumn Term 2.

You can use the following generic login to read the ebooks.

To access these fantastic e-Books follow these steps:

1. username: reception

2. The password is barford

3. Enter the school code: pwxa

4. Click on login

5. Click on My stuff and then click on the green bug icon to read the allocated books.

Maths Inspire - 21st October 2015

Have a look at the fantastic websites that were used during ICT Maths Inspire session. We hope these websites will assist you in helping your child with their learning.

Feed the teddy bear cakes. Numbers up to 15 and words up to 15.

Counting different objects.

Put the caterpillar numbers in the correct order. Numbers up to 100. 

Greater number game. Click on the greater number.

Sequence game. Complete the sequence.

Number line, count on to find the sum.

The aim of the game is to complete the length of the pipe. This will fill the lake and set the whale free.

The aim of this game is to practise quick recall of number facts, up to 9+9. Press 'next' for a new calculation. Count on from the biggest number. Click on the correct sarcophagus.

Click on the clock that shows the correct time. If the answer is correct the mouse will eat the cheese.

This is a more or less game. Click on the toilet to start the game.

This is a double game. Help Robin to find the correct double.

Minus Mission provides practice with subtraction in a creeping slime theme. Large green slime at the top of the screen drips blobs with subtraction problems toward a robot at the bottom.

Counting in 2's. Choose the number that is missing.

Choose two fuzzy chaps who add up to 10.

Counting in 10's. Choose the number that is missing.

Click on the hand with 10p.

When the water has been poured, click on the container that has the most in it.

Listen to the number and post the letter into the correct door.

Maths Inspire - 3rd February 2015

Below are the wide range of the maths games that were used during the ICT Inspire session. 

Feed the teddy bear cakes. Numbers up to 15 and words up to 15.

Counting different objects.

Put the caterpillar numbers in the correct order. Numbers up to 100. 

Greater number game. Click on the greater number.

Sequence game. Complete the sequence.

Number line, count on to find the sum.

The aim of the game is to complete the length of the pipe. This will fill the lake and set the whale free.

The aim of this game is to practise quick recall of number facts, up to 9+9. Press 'next' for a new calculation. Count on from the biggest number. Click on the correct sarcophagus.

Click on the clock that shows the correct time. If the answer is correct the mouse will eat the cheese.

This is a more or less game. Click on the toilet to start the game.

This is a double game. Help Robin to find the correct double.

Minus Mission provides practice with subtraction in a creeping slime theme. Large green slime at the top of the screen drips blobs with subtraction problems toward a robot at the bottom.

Counting in 2's. Choose the number that is missing.

Choose two fuzzy chaps who add up to 10.

Counting in 10's. Choose the number that is missing.

Click on the hand with 10p.

When the water has been poured, click on the container that has the most in it.

Listen to the number and post the letter into the correct door.

English Inspire - 1st October 2014

The ICT section of the Literacy Inspire involved playing the Phonics games on the bugclub website. Unfortunately the School is unable to provide the links to the bugclub phonics games. However the School has provided links to free iPad phonics games below:-


Numeracy Inspire - 3rd July 2013

Number recogition and number sequences maths games.

Feed the teddy bear cakes. Numbers up to 15 and words up to 15.

Counting different objects.

Put the caterpillar numbers in the correct order. Numbers up to 100. 

Greater number game. Click on the greater number.

Sequence game. Complete the sequence.

Number line, count on to find the sum.

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