Newsletter - 19th July 2024

What a fabulous end to our summer term!
Dear Parents/ Carers
What a fabulous end to our summer term! Thank you for all of your support this year and helping to make 2023/24 one of the best years we have had! We have not only had an amazing OFSTED this year but also brilliant SATS and phonics results. A truly fantastic year and a big thankyou to - our children, parents, staff and the community we serve.
May I take the opportunity to say thank you and farewell to the following staff who will be leaving us to pursue promotions, new careers or are relocating : Mrs Feng (who is starting her teacher training and has just gained a 1st Class Degree at University !) Mr Kola, who is leaving to take up a promotion at a new school and is getting married! Miss Begum, in the school office, who is leaving to pursue a career with the NHS. Miss Suri, who is relocating to London and getting married! Miss Chapman and Miss Qureshi (our lovely teaching assistants,) who are moving to other schools.
We also say goodbye to our year 6 children next week! Thank you for being so fantastic this year; we wish you all well for the future! Keep aiming high!
Finally, we wish you all a very happy summer holiday. I hope to see many of you at our new summer holiday club. Remember last day in school this term is Monday 22nd July and the children will be leaving earlier at 1.45pm. All children will need to be collected at the usual times from the usual collection points at school.
We will see you all back at school on Wednesday 4th September 2024.